We are an international legal consultancy firm specializing in citizenship solutions. Our business was born from the desire to provide a robust and reliable response to the issues raised by an increasingly globalized lifestyle.

The AVANTI CIDADANIA team has extensive experience in the field of immigration, citizenship and residence. In this sense, we have first-hand knowledge of how  worrying - and often emotionally overwhelming - the issue of seeking recognition of dual nationality can be.

Our goal is to make this process as easy and stress-free as possible. At AVANTI CIDADANIA, the journey to obtaining the much-dreamed-of European passport (based on dual citizenship) begins with you. We  listen  to what you have to say, to your vision  - because each need, aspiration   or desire is unique.

Whether you dream of the possibility of traveling without the restrictions of a limited passport, if you want to find a safe haven for your family or are looking for the best university for your children, we are here to suggest the best solution.

We are the only agency in southern Brazil also based in Italy, so your process will start and end with us, without intermediaries. We specialize in Italian Citizenship in Rio Grande do Sul, providing excellent and differentiated service, which puts us side-by-side with the client throughout the entire process - from the search for documentation to the issuance of the Italian passport.

Led by Nátali Lazzari - a historian with years of experience in citizenship and residence - the AVANTI CIDADANIA team is multilingual: we speak Portuguese, English, Spanish and Italian. The Italian Citizenship solutions that we have studied, promoted and   helped to develop offer the answers you are looking for.

How can I travel without having to wait for a visa that may be denied? How can I give my children the education and experience they need to face life's challenges? How can I access more opportunities with my business? Am I doing everything in my  power to protect my assets?

Our clients and their stories are the driving force behind our firm, and above all, we honor the trust and confidence that these exceptional businessmen and women, families and young people have in relation to our services.

When you become a client, you place yourself at the center of a community of professionals operating in two countries, with agile and assertive action throughout the process. We work to provide you with access to the best tools to achieve success in a global society that is becoming more competitive every day.


Veja os depoimentos dos nossos clientes, eles são as nossas maiores referências e o nosso melhor cartão de visitas.
Irani Paulo Carlotto

"Fui muito bem atendido, pela equipe da Avanti, em especial na Itália pela Nátali, porque normalmente ali é  quando se materializa daquelas expectativas que temos quando...

Leia este depoimento
Marco Antonio Isse

"O que foi primordial aqui, que é muito importante, é que a cidadania na minha visão tem um cunho ETERNO, diferente de muitas pessoas que gostaria que é simplesment...

Leia este depoimento


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